Welcome to theAmerican Foregut SocietyJoin the only society where GI's and Surgeons collaborate to personalize treatment and improve patient outcomes. We are 800 strong and growing! #BetterTogether #AFS2024 2025 AFS Endobariatrics Course
February 28-March 1, 2025Evanston, IllinoisCourse Directors: Dr Barham Abu Dayyeh, Dr Mike UjikiThe course will be an intensive hands-on experience with faculty that have extensive experience with Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty, Endoscopic gastrojejunal revisions, and endoscopic management of bariatric complications. Attendees will have access to an online knowledge-based section prior to and after the course. The course will comprise of over 12 hours of hands-on experience with faculty mentorship over a two-day period. Registration is limited to allow for more time with instructors. Click here to registerClick here for course outline
Thank you for making AFS 2024 "The Best Yet"We had over 600 attendees and record presence of our industry partners in Denver for the 2024 annual meeting.AFS members can access the recordings and pdfs in the member portal. Don't miss AFS 2025!
Future meetings:September 10-14, 2025 Gaylord Texan (AFS and UGIRA)September 24-27, 2026 Gaylord NationalSeptember 15-19, 2027 Gaylord RockiesSeptember 13-17, 2028 Gaylord TexanSeptember 26-30, 2029 Gaylord RockiesShare your passion for FOREGUT! Join an AFS Committee!Advocacy
The AFS announces a new endoscopic classification of the esophagogastric junction. The classification recognizes that the antireflux barrier involves the crural diaphragm and intrinsic lower esophageal sphincter in addition to the flap valve classification as described by Hill. It stratifies EGJ integrity from normal (grade 1) to increasing degrees of EGJ disruption (grade 2-4) beginning with loss of the flap valve and progressing to increasing degrees of crural disruption and hiatus hernia. It also stipulates appropriate endoscopic methodology for the assessment and provides a basic nomenclature for communication among endoscopists. |
Download Hiatus Grade Image |
We want to hear from our membership! Please take a minute and let us know your suggestions to improve the society!