American Foregut Society Quality Improvement ProjectMission:The mission of the AFS QIP is to provide online data collection and real-time analytic tools which will enable users to take both individual and aggregate outcomes data to personalize patient care using continuous quality improvement methodology. Vision:The vision of the AFS Quality Improvement Project (AFS QIP) is to support the vision of the AFS using continual quality improvement (CQI) as a method to provide personalized care for foregut disease patients. What is QIP vs Research:As long as patient data is collected and used for the purpose of continuously improving patient care, it is considered exempt from typical ‘research’ requirements of having a strict protocol with patient consent and Institutional Review Board approval. As such, any health care provider may collect limited protected health information as well as intervention and outcome data in a streamlined fashion. Research Opportunities:Any human research using AFS QIP data will be conducted through IRB-approved research methodologies (e.g., clinical trials, registries), and AFS QIP may provide appropriate forums for such research when requested. Users:Users will include practitioners and treatment developers (e.g., industry). AFS QIP will be a no-cost benefit to AFS practitioner members. Types of Data Collection:For purposes of clarity and simplicity, all of the data fields collected with the exception of PHI will be referred to as “all QIP data fields.”
Request AccessSponsorship Opportunities click hereAFS QIP Board:Dan Lister – President Peter Janu – Vice President Tripp Buckley – Secretary Jocelyn Burke – Treasurer Reginald Bell – Trustee Mark Shachner – Trustee